Stackpole Takes First Place at LMA Awards

Stackpole is excited to announce that the agency has won First Place in the “Communications: Brand Enhancement” category at this year’s LMA (Legal Marketing Association) Your Honor Awards. Agency president and founder Pete Stackpole was given the award representing work performed for the Hawai‘i-based law firm, Goodsill.

“What a thrill for all of us at the agency to receive this prestigious award,” said Stackpole after the presentation. “This honor is reflective of the talent, dedication and total immersion approach of our team at Stackpole. It also represents a great client who values the importance of process in developing a standout brand and who appreciates the impact of great creative.”

Goodsill is one of the oldest and most respected law firms in Hawai‘i. Their history runs deep, but they recognized an opportunity to jump out ahead of the competition with a total rebranding. Recognizing Stackpole’s deep industry knowledge and experience, they turned to us for help.

That in and of itself was very rewarding for everyone at Stackpole. For a law firm based on the islands of Hawai‘i to procure the services of a brand strategy firm in Massachusetts says a lot about our reputation in the legal services industry. It also presented considerable challenges, as Hawai‘i has a unique and distinctive culture. The new brand would have to simultaneously establish Goodsill’s premier market position and reflect the “Mahalo” sensibilities that define the firm’s distinct essence and culture.

After extensive intake sessions and market analysis on Oahu, the Stackpole team immersed itself in the local scene before returning to the mainland to begin work on the new brand strategy. This total immersion approach–typical of Stackpole methodology–once again paid off. The brand campaign has been hugely successful in establishing Goodsill as the simultaneously preeminent and “freshest name” in Hawai‘i law.

“We’d like to thank LMA for this distinguished award,” Stackpole continued. “To receive this recognition from such as prestigious institution is a high honor, indeed. I couldn’t be prouder of my team at the agency, and I’m thrilled that we’ve been able to do such innovative work for a client as special as Goodsill.”

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